Physical Exams
Physical Exams in Vero Beach, FL: A physical includes a full examination and a wellness evaluation. The examination measures your vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature) and basic health information such as weight and height to help watch trends over time and to investigate vitals outside of normal ranges. A physical exam starts with your eyes, ear, nose, and throat and moves down to your chest, abdomen, and extremities. Lab tests may be ordered like blood chemistry panel, complete blood count, urinalysis.
Our Nurse Practitioner may assess:
Heartbeat and breathing sounds via stethoscope
Head and neck exam, including tonsils, lymph nodes and thyroid
Abdominal exam to check for any tenderness and liver size
Muscle strength, reflexes and balance
Screenings may be recommended:
Basic recommended health screenings are discussed. For women, a yearly checkup is recommended for a clinical breast exam, pelvic exam and recommended screenings such as mammograms and Pap tests. For men, a testicular exam, prostate exam, and a PSA blood test. Other recommended screenings may include:
-Blood cholesterol
-Blood sugar level
-Behavioral health conditions
-Colonoscopy (colonoscopy screening checks for colorectal polyps or signs of cancer. If you’re at least 45 years old, this test is recommended every 10 years, or more often if you have a family history of polyps or colorectal cancer)
When arriving for the exam:
Know your medical history, past surgeries and all current medications. (Bring a list.)
Bring a list of prescribing doctors for all medications.
Bring eye glasses, contact lenses or hearing aids.
Be prepared to provide a urine sample.